Immigration Attorney


Located in Raleigh, North Carolina

Attorney Bashi is an active member of the following organizations: North Carolina State Bar, 10th Judicial District Bar, Wake County Bar Association, American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), and AILA Carolinas.

You Come First!

Here at Bashi Law, we believe that complete transparency and open-communication with our clients is the best way. By employing these methods, our legal team is able to more diligently address your legal needs and provide you the best legal representation.

Explore our Services

Ready to live your best life in the US alongside your family & loved ones? Our team offers a wide variety of services to assist you, your family and your loved ones through immigration law. If you are looking to get the best defense team.

Book an appointment.

Some of our clients know exactly what they want or maybe spoke with a team member already. If you’re ready to talk, you can use our booking calendar below:

 Our Happy Customers

There’s a reason we are one of the top ranked immigration attorneys in Raleigh, North Carolina