Employment Visas

Looking for work in the US? Need an employment Visa to work here? We’ve got your covered at Bashi Law.

Applying for A US Work Visa

At Bashi Law, PLLC, we handle all types of employment-based immigration cases. There are many types of temporary and permanent employment-based visa classifications. Temporary employment-based visa classifications allow employers to hire and petition for foreign workers for specific jobs for a limited time. Importantly, an immigrant can acquire lawful permanent resident (LPR) status through employment. 

Bashi Law, PLLC assists employers in hiring the workers they need; and assists workers entering the United States in the visa category most suited to their skills. Bashi Law, PLLC helps employees obtain the documents and education evaluations crucial to the success of their cases. We also assist employers with the complicated procedure of labor certification and meeting the sponsorship requirements, such as obtaining prevailing wages and documenting the ability to pay them.